About Us

Who we are, where we come from, and where we're headed as a church family.

Who we are

We believe that following Jesus is more than just a gathering on Sunday mornings, in fact we believe that the Good News of Jesus Christ penetrates every area and aspect of our lives - we believe that Jesus changes everything!

Where we come from

Cornerstone Wirral launched in September 2013 as a church plant from Cornerstone Church Liverpool. The church was planted to help the people of Wirral find and follow Jesus and that remains our heart to this day.

Where we're headed

God has really blessed us; we’ve seen people become Christians, our community has grown numerically, we've multiplied disciples of Jesus, Gospel Communities (GCs for short) and more importantly we’ve been able to get more involved in blessing our local communities. 

On Sundays we gather to sing, hear teaching from the Bible and our children get to participate in Kids Church; but we believe that Church is supposed to be so much more than even this. 

During the week we live out the gospel in everyday life through our GCs. This is a wonderful place to ask questions as we try to understand the Bible more and it allows us to support each other as we look to follow Jesus and live for him. We meet in various locations across the Wirral and as our Church grows we want to multiply more GCs as we share the love of Jesus through the ordinariness of everyday life. 

It is our prayer that in the future we might be able to see more churches planted and revitalised across the Wirral. There is a huge need and we desire to see Churches started in the areas were people can’t easily access a Church on their doorstep. We also partner with the Cornerstone Collective to see this happen beyond the Wirral and across Merseyside.

What this means for you

What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at Cornerstone Wirral. Wherever you're at we want to help you find and follow Jesus and take that next step in your life, so you can be assured you'll always be welcomed as part of the Cornerstone family.

Beyond that, if you're ready to plan your first visit, click here. If you want to learn more about our beliefs as a church, click here. Or if you'd simply like to get in touch with a person on our leadership team directly, click the button below.